** All fields are required **
Include country code if entering a non-U.S. phone number
Referrers should not be related to the applicant
It is common courtesy for applicants to inform their referrers that they have been listed as a reference.
Each referrer will receive a short recommendation form via email.
File names cannot contain any special characters (periods, commas, hyphens, dashes, etc..). Only alphabet characters and spaces allowed.
*Essay, résumé, and transcript(s) are required.
$45.00 or **$80.00
Graduate School Application Fee ** International applicants’ fee
TEA Technology Fee
Consult UTEP
UTEP tuition and fees
ACP Program Fee (paid directly to the program)
Each attempt at a TExES exam
240 Tutoring TExES exam preparation
Standard Certificate application fee
Background check/fingerprints
*Possible Additional Fees
Intern/Probatory Certificate Application.
Residency Extension
Estimate of other university cost per year that includes textbooks, parking permits, course materials, etc.
*All fees are subject to change
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